07 October, 2012

Team Wild Hare at the finish line in Twentynine Palms, CA - Finish Time of 36:40:29 - more details on the race to follow! PA079865

05 October, 2012

Team Wild Hare is off to check-in in Santa Clarita, Ca

We should be at race check-in around noon PDT!

01 October, 2012

Furnace Creek 508 this weekend!

Watch for posts here during race check-in (Friday, October 5th) and I'll also try to post a photo from the start line on Saturday morning. You can also watch the live webcast starting on Friday (during check-in) at http://www.the508.com/2012web/ and log-in for the start of the race on Saturday morning (race start time is 9:30AM PDT). I'll be in the pack as I lead team Wild Hare out on Stage 1 from Santa Clarita to California City!

Keep up to date on what's happening by following the race updates on Twitter using #FC508. You can also subscribe to AdventureCorps at http://twitter.com/adventurecorps and I'll ask the crew to tweet using twitter.com/onetough ride and I'll be updating when I have reception and am off the bike.
Enjoy the ride,

Team Wild Hare, Furnace Creek 508 2012
Joy Dunn, Co-Crew Captain
Susan Horst, Co-Crew Captain
Neal Herman, Stages 2, 4, 6, and 8
Steve Bursley, Stages, 1, 3, 5, and 7